Australian Amateur Radio

Australian QSL Bureau's

WIA announces a new National INWARDS QSL Bureau has been established as of 5/3/2010.  All cards should go to this address where they will be forwarded automatically to the state based bureaus for distribution to members
WIA National Inwards QSL Bureau - PO Box 2040, Bayswater, Victoria, 3153, Australia

VK1 - Australian Capitol Territory   

- GPO Box 600 Canberra 2601

VK2 - New South Wales                   

- PO Box 66 Boolaroo 2284  (National Outwards QSL Bureau)

VK3 - Victoria                                  

- 40G Victory Blvd Ashburton 3147

VK4 - Queensland                              

- 53 Moore Street, Kingaroy, QLD 4610

VK5 - South Australia

- c/o Stephan Forka VK5RZ, P.O. Box 191, Seaford SA 5169  Email

VK6 - Western Australia

- GPO Box F319 Perth  6001

VK7 - Tasmania

- GPO Box 371D Hobart 7001

VK8 - Northern Territory

- c/o Craig Edwards VK8PDX, PO Box 285, Alice Springs NT 0870

VK9/VK0 -

- c/o Neil Penfold VK6NE 2 Moss Crt Kingsley 6026

If you are looking for international QSL information try the official listing at the IARU here

Countries without a QSL Bureau (2008) - do not send cards via Bureau to amateurs countries listed below as they will go nowhere! Go Direct!

A3    Tonga

A51   Bhutan

A6    U.A.E.

C21   Nauru

C5    Gambia

C6    Bahamas

CN    Morocco

D2    Angola

D4    Cape Verde

E3    Eritrea

HH    Haiti

HM    North Korea

HV    Vatican

HZ    Saudi Arabia

J5    Guinea Bissau

J6    St Lucia

J8    St Vincent

P2    Papua N Guinea

PZ    Suriname

S7    Seychelles

S9    Sao Tome

ST    Sudan

SU    Egypt

T2    Tuvalu

T3    Kiribati

T5    Somalia

TJ    Cameroon

TL    Central African Rep

TN8   Congo

TT8   Chad

TY    Benin

V3    Belize

V4    St Kitts / Nevis

V6    Micronesia

VP2E  Anguilla

VP2M  Montserrat

XU    Kampuchea

XW    Laos

XZ    Myanmar

YA    Afghanistan

Z2    Zimbabwe

ZA    Albania

ZD7   St Helena

ZD9   Tristan de Cunha

3B    Mauritius

3DA   Swaziland

3W    Vietnam

3X    Guinea

4J    Azerbaijan

5A    Libya

5R    Madagascar

5T    Mauritania

5U    Nigeria

5V    Togo

7O    Yemen

7P    Lesotho

7Q7   Malawi

8Q    Maldives

9L    Sierra Leone

9N    Nepal

9Q    Zaire

9U    Burundi

9X    Rwanda


Any errors or additions - please Email them to

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