Australian Amateur Radio


HF Log Books

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Countries 160m 80m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m Total SSB


PSK31 RTTY/Dig DXCC Challenge
Worked 35 122 193 190 316 256 271 218 239 329 324 275 101 208 1846
Confirmed** 31 115 171 173 302 232 251 197 227 328 322 263 75 193 1703

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My Logs uploaded daily (if qso's added that day) into the Logbook of the World

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"QSL - The Final Courtesy of a QSO!"

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*Will show current QSL status (Sent/Rec)

Log updated daily (if qso's added that day)

*Includes VK2NNN (1997-2000), AX2CA and VK2CA/p  -  ** LotW credits included  (Deleted entities not included - 330/327)

VK2CA ARRL DXCC Challenge Award      VK2CA 8 BDXCC

ARRL DXCC Challenge Award plaque - 5 Band DXCC - 12,17,30 Endorsements

QSL Gallery - Over 10,000 images online!


Last 20 QSO's enter in VK2CA's log

Please support DXpeditions - They go where YOU need them! Please read this!  DXpedition's Funding and Costs
 Presentation by Don Greenbaum N1DG


All logs semi-regularly entered into eQSL


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"operate to the highest levels of proficiency, with proper consideration for others using the amateur radio bands"

QSL Information

World (suggested) QSL Postal requirements  -  IRC Information

Logbook of the World (LotW) - Preferred

*Note: All cards received direct without SASE, (2* Green Stamp or 1* IRC (NEW  2012 edition ONLY)) for return postage, will be returned via the Bureau system. Address listed below is always the most current!

Direct Postal Address for VK2CA is as follows:

A. Meredith

P.O. Box 890


NSW 2850


Previsous VK2NNN Current VK2CA Antennas at VK2CA
Tower 1 Mosley TW33-XL 3 Element Triband Yagi    100+ kph winds and this is the result - Tower collapses - mainly the A3WS bearing the brunt....bugga! 
 QSL card (until 1999) QSL card Tower 1 - X7 Cushcraft Yagi, A505S Cushcraft  6m Yagi, 40/80 Inverted Vees and 160m Double Bazooka Tower 2 - Mosley TW33-XL 12/17/30m
3 Element Yagi and 40/80m Inverted Vees 
Towers 1 & 2 - 13.7m Nally's - Wind up/tilt over  ...and after 100+ kph winds in Sept 2006 ...back up now though  

QSL Information for:  VK8ML, VK8CI,VK0BP, AX0BP, YJ0VK available here

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