Australian Amateur Radio

Click on the RED markers to retrieve information about repeaters in that area

Cooma Broken Hill Narrabri Coonabarabran Glen Innes Byron Bay Lismore Coffs Harbour Walcha Tamworth Kempsey Port Macquarie Taree Forster Newcastle Condobolin Orange Gosford Sydney" Grenfell Griffith Wollongong Nowra Goulburn Canberra Wagga Tumut Batemans Bay Ulladulla Yarrawonga Bulloc Bulloc Hill Albury South Coast South Highlands Mt Riverview Blue Mountains West Blue Mountains Rylstone Wyong Upper Hunter New England Armidale Grafton Tabulam Moree Gloucester Young Dubbo Newbridge Tenterfield Acacia Plateau

If you have any updated information of repeaters in your area please let me know.....YOU know your area....I don't!   :-)

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