Iron Powder Toroid Core Physical Data

Cores listed in ascending order of A

Dimensions in bold type are in millimeters, italic numbers are nominal in inches.

Physical and Magnetic Properties
Core Size A B C le (cm) Ae(cm)2 Ve(cm)3
T-12-( ) 3.18/.125 1.58/.062 1.27/.050 .75 .010 .008
T-16-( ) 4.06/.160 1.98/.078 1.52/.060 .93 .015 .014
T-20-( ) 5.1/.200 2.24/.088 1.78/.070 1.15 .023 .026
T-25-( ) 6.48/.255 3.05/.120 2.44/.096 1.50 .037 .055
T-30-( ) 7.8/.307 3.84/.151 3.25/.128 1.84 .061 .110
T-37-( ) 9.53/.375 5.21/.205 3.25/.128 2.31 .064 .147
T-44-( ) 11.2/.440 5.82/.229 4.04/.159 2.68 .099 .266
T-50-( ) 12.7/.500 7.7/.303 4.83/.190 3.19 .112 .358
T-68-( ) 17.3/.690 9.4/.370 4.83/.190 4.23 .179 .759
T-80-( ) 20.2/.795 12.6/.495 6.35/.250 5.14 .231 1.19
T-94-( ) 23.9/.942 14.2/.560 7.93/.312 5.97 .362 2.16
T-106-( ) 26.9/1.06 14.5/.570 11.1/.437 6.49 .659 4.28
T-130-( ) 33.0/1.30 19.8/.780 11.1/.437 8.28 .698 5.78
T-157-( ) 39.9/1.57 24.1/.950 14.5/.570 10.1 1.06 10.7
T-184-( ) 46.7/1.84 24.1/.950 18.0/.710 11.2 1.88 21.0
T-200-( ) 50.8/2.00 31.8/1.25 14.0/.550 13.0 1.27 16.4
T-200A-( ) 50.8/2.00 31.8/1.25 25.4/1.00 13.0 2.32 30.0
Magnetic Dimensions: le mean path length; Ae cross section area; Ve volume
toroid diag