Australian Amateur Radio

VK2CA provides
QSL Management for the following stations:

VK2CA, VK8ML, VK8CI, VK0BP*, AX0BP*, YJ0VK (2010,2011,2012), VK9NT

Please support DXpeditions by supporting:

Ocean DX Group Inc  DX Code of Conduct  LOTW - Logbook of the World  QSL Manager's Society

Please support DXpeditions - They go where YOU need them! Please read this!  DXpedition's Funding and Costs
 Presentation by Don Greenbaum N1DG
Discover the TRUE cost of DXpeditioning!

All operations are available via OQRS at Clublog, Logbook of the World, Direct or Bureau (via VK2CA)

Direct Mailing Address:

A. Meredith

PO Box 890


NSW, 2850


Direct QSLing rules - If OQRS is not accessible to you(please read):

  1. All Direct to VK2CA only - please do not send to dxpedition team members!
  2. At least 1 new version IRC (preferred if possible) or US$2 (in good condition if possible) for return postage.
  3. Please do not send stamps (even Australian) as it just makes things hard to manage. (I do collect stamps so if you have some from your own country I would be very happy to receive some - even used ones - for my collection)
  4. Please include a self addressed envelope.
  5. Please try to supply a self-sealing envelope as licking hundreds of them is not that much fun :-)
  6. Please do not use envelopes that do not seal at all! (strange but true!)
  7. Make sure your return envelope, if folded, has the fold to the bottom of the sending envelope.  This saves it being cut in half when the original is opened.
  8. Please mark your return envelope as "Air Mail" or use a pre-printed Air Mail envelopes
  9. It would be helpful if your QSL card had your callsign on both sides
  10. I am happy to include other operations but...please list each operation on a separate card (this applies to Bureau cards as well).
  11. Backup your logs!  I cannot provide information to you in support of your QSL request if your data has been lost. It would breach the integrity of the dxpedition logs and be unethical to do so.

Note: No, or insufficient, postage QSLs will be returned via the Bureau system. (Operation team members dont mind paying for their trip....but they don't think they should have to pay for your card as well!)

Note: VK QSLs need only supply SSAE (Stamped Self Addressed Envelope)

*Direct only for these operations


VK9NT  Norfolk Island 2013
May 3-13 2013, OC-005 - DXpedition Website

Log Search &
OQRS (Online QSL Request)*

*Log entered in LoTW

 Melville Is. & Croker Is. IOTA Dxpedition in Nov. 99
VK8ML Melville Island 1999
VK8CI Croker Island 1999
Log Search &
OQRS (Online QSL Request)
Log Search &
OQRS (Online QSL Request)
*Log entered in LoTW *Log entered in LoTW

YJ0VK Vanuatu 2010 YJ0VK Vanuatu 2011

Efate Island - Vanuatu 26/8/2010 - 02/09/2010,
  OC-035 - DXpedition Website

Log Search &
OQRS (Online QSL Request)*

Efate Island - Vanuatu 30/09/2011- 12/10/2011,
  OC-035 - DXpedition Website

Log Search &
OQRS (Online QSL Request)*

**Log entered in LoTW

**Log entered in LoTW

YJ0VK Vanuatu 2012

Efate Island - Vanuatu 21/04/2012- 05/05/2012,  OC-035 - DXpedition Website

Log Search &
OQRS (Online QSL Request)*

*Log entered in LoTW

YJ0VK Mixed ARRL DXCC Certificate - acheived overall by all YJ0VK operations


VK0BP / AX0BP QSL Information

I am the QSL Manager for Bob VK0BP/AX0BP at Davis Base in Antarctica during (2008/09) - Operation now over as Bob returned to Australia in December 2009.

QSL DIRECT (US$2 + SAE preferred - but 1 IRC + SAE is also OK - ONLY NEW 2012 IRC's PLEASE) for this operation please. Please use self sealing airmail envelopes if possible as licking hundreds of envelopes etc is not pleasant :-) Thanks.

I am happy to qsl both VK0BP and AX0BP cards in the one envelope.

I am not the manager for VK2ABP. (Please note Bob went SK in October 2012)

The log searches below are for the files that I have in my possession only.

VK0BP Log Search & AX0BP Log Search &
OQRS (Online QSL Request)
*Log entered in LoTW *Log entered in LoTW

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