Australian Amateur Radio

Scenes from around Broken Hill

Click on the small picture to see a larger version

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Menindee Lake seen from the boat ramp at Sunset Strip

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Umberumbeka Dam - one of Broken Hills water supplies

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One information panel from one of the town lookouts

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The boatramp at Sunset Strip - about 80k south of Broken Hill

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Main weir on the Darling River at Menindee 

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Another info panel showing the line of load layout

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Some mining exhibits near the tourist center in Broken Hill

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Broken Hill at dusk as seen from the top of the Sculptures site

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Marios hotel - as seen in the movie "Pricilla Queen of the Desert" and other - in the main street Argent Street.

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North Mine mining lease seen from the old Brownes Shaft

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Broken Hill Court house - in the main street

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Inscription on a monument outside the Technical college - in the main street

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One of the old shafts etc on the edge of town

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"Town Hall Facade" front only of the previous town hall in the main street

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The Ant - by Pro Hart, dedicated to the miners of Broken Hill

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The Post Office - in the main street


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