Australian Amateur Radio

Emission Designations

Classification of Emissions

Emission classifications provide an internationally recognised standard in which to specify accurately and concisely, the significant characteristics of a transmission.

Classification Method

A total of nine letters & figures are used. The first four give details of the bandwidth needed, the next three are the basic characteristics of the emission and the last two (optional) give any extra details which might be needed to further describe the emission.


6M25 C3F MN


Following is a listing of emission types that maybe found in Amateur Radio

First Four Symbols

These give details of the bandwidth using three digits & one letter, with the letter providing the position of the decimal point. The letters used are H for Hertz, K for Kilohertz, M for Megahertz and G for Gigahertz.

Example: 6M25 (6.25MHz)

Next Three Symbols

The first defines the type of modulation of the main carrier. The next describes the nature of the signal modulating the carrier and the third describes the type of information being transmitted.

Last Two Symbols (Optional)

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