Category | Program | Description | |
Antennas / Homebrew | ACMA EMR Compliance worksheet | A program to assist in checking your EMR Compliance b David VK2CZ | |
Antennas / Homebrew | Antlength | Experimental antenna program by VK2YGZ (Win95/98) | |
Antennas / Homebrew | Class B Design | Class B design is a quick way to get parameters for the plate voltage and plate current for a pair of output valves. by VK2YGZ (Win95/98) | |
Antennas / Homebrew | Ferrite Calcx | An Excel program, written by Ron VK2WB, which allows you to design any transformer for use between 1 and 50 MHz using commonly available ferrite toroidal cores. | |
Antennas / Homebrew | FT_calcx_1.3 | This is a revised version of the existing file in Antennas / Homebrew. | |
Antennas / Homebrew | Parabol by VK2YGZ | Design for dish antenna's by VK2YGZ (Win95/98) | |
Antennas / Homebrew | PTDesign | A program to assist in designing Power Transformers and Chokes by VK2YGZ (Win95/98) | |
Antennas / Homebrew | Quadhelix | Weather satellite Quadrifilar Helix spec's & pictures | |
Antennas / Homebrew | Quick Yagi | Quickyagi V4. Yagi design program | |
Antennas / Homebrew | RF Coils | A program to assist in designing Coils to cover a given band by VK2YGZ (Win95/98) | |
Antennas / Homebrew | YagiCalc | Antenna calculator for DL6WU yagis by John VK5DJ | |
Contest / Logging | ascii2adif | Convert logs to ADIF format for importing into various logging programs. by KH2D - Excellent | |
Contest / Logging | Logconv | Converts between contest file formats - A MUST have! Version 1.73b | |
Contest / Logging | Logger | Logger (Version 8.07) Excellent FREE DOS based logging program | |
Contest / Logging | Logger32 V3.50 Full Install | Logger32 runs under Windows XP,7,8,8.1 and newer. | |
Contest / Logging | QSL-44 Quick Score | Quick Score reads a CT Version 9 contest.bin file, and prepares the scoring, analysis, and log reports | |
Digital / CW | Digipan | PSK31 Windows based program (V2.0). This one you just have to try!! | |
Digital / CW | RufzXP | Tancredi. An advanced CW trainer/driller. Get that callsign recognition speed up fast! VeryCool! | |
Digital / CW | Super Morse | Super Morse - CW trainer for the Morse impaired Cool! | |
Miscellaneous | Great Circle Map maker | Great Circle Map making program (V2.3a) by SM3GSJ | |
Miscellaneous | QSLMake | WB8RCR's Qsl making program v2.4 | |
Miscellaneous | Sun Clock 5 | SunClock 5 Screensaver displaying world times & grey line etc. - an old favourite! | |
Miscellaneous | Sun Clock 6.5 | SunClock 6.5 Updated screensaver | |
Packet | Packet for DOS | Packet software for DOS | |
Packet | WinPack | WinPack V6.8(Full)G4IDE's WinPack packet radio software for Windows | |
SSTV / ATV | JVFax | JVFAX7.1 Excellent SSTV program( including all documentation, patched version) |
K-2720 | Walkabout Wadio |
K-2721 | Motion Detector |
K-2722 | Walkman Amplifier |
K-2723 | Stud Finder |
K-2726 | Melody Door Bell 16 Tune |
K-2802 | DSE Discovery Series - Function Generator |
K-2805 | DSE Discovery Series - Parallel Port Interface assembly instructions |
K-2808 | DSE Discovery Series - Regulated Power Supply 1.2v to 37.5v @1.5A max |
K-2811 | DSE Discovery Series - Stereo Pre-Amp |
K-2813 | DSE Discovery Series - 555 Timer Circuits |
K-3009 | High Power Electric Fence Controller (copy needed if you have one) |
K-3018 | Buid a LED Torch |
K-3036 | 4 Input Mixer Pre Amp |
K-3038 | Minivox (Voice activated relay) |
K-3051 | Zener Diode Tester |
K-3052 | Transistor Tester Kit |
K-3055 | IR Remote Checker |
K-3060 | TV CRO Adaptor |
K-3065 | Dual Trace Oscilloscope Switch |
K-3068 | PC IR Transceiver |
K-3074 | Stepper Motor Controller |
K-3080 | Line Filter and Conditioner |
K-3082 | Fluoro Starter |
K-3083 | Lamp Saver |
K-3084 | Speed Controller for Drills and Lawn Edgers |
K-3095 | Microwave Oven Leak Detector |
K-3118 | LED Battery Voltage Indicator |
K-3124 | Low Voltage Battery Cutout (for cars and boats) |
K-3126 | NiCad Discharger |
K-3127 | Add On Regulator for 12v Battery Chargers |
K-3129 | Solar Generator |
K-3130 | Temperature Controlled Mains Power Switch |
K-3140/41 | Musicolor III + special short form kit |
K-3143 | Musicolor Mk 4 |
K-3150 | Disco Light |
K-3153 | Beat Triggered Strobe |
K-3155 | Disco Strobe Light |
K-3160 | Mini Strobe (copy needed if you have one) |
K-3202 | Benchtop Power Supply |
K-3206 | Versatile 40V/3A Lab Power Supply |
K-3217 | Fast Universal Power Charger |
K-3226 | VHF Receiver for Weather Satellites |
K-3231 | Mini 1.5V to 9V DC Converter |
K-3232 | Mast Head Amplifier for TV & FM |
K-3235 | DC-DC (12V to 100W) Converter |
K-3236 | UHF Converter |
K-3240 | Twin Range LED Display Taco |
K-3241 | Digital Tachometer |
K-3242 | 5-Digit Tachometer |
K-3245 | Brake Lamp Flasher |
K-3245 (Alt) | Single Channel UFH to VHF Converter |
K-3249 | Bike Alarm |
K-3250 | Car Alarm |
K-3252 | Deluxe Car Burglar Alarm |
K-3253 | Car Alarm Mk 2 |
K-3254 | 4 Sector Home Alarm (PCB and Components Only) |
K-3255 | Ignition Killer for Cars |
K-3258 | UHF Remote Switch |
K-3262 | Dual Channel UHF Remote Control |
K-3300 | 50v Lab Power Supply (copy needed if you have one) |
K-3301 | Transistor Assisted Ignition Mk 2 |
K-3333 | Negative Ion Generator |
K-3370 | LED Level Meter |
K-3410 | Low Cost Capacitor Meter |
K-3415 | AM Stereo Decoder |
K-3421 | Stereo Simulator Mark 2 for Tuners and VCR's |
K-3422 | VCR Sound Processor |
K-3424 | Home Alarm |
K-3425 | Cordless Remote Controller (to suit the Teletext Decoder) |
K-3427 | Infrared Remote Control Repeater |
k-3427 (Alt) | Preamplifier Purpose General (ETI Project 445) |
K-3428 | IR Remote Control Switch |
K-3429 | IR Remote Transmitter |
K-3433/3434 | 8 Channel IR Remote Control (Transmitter and Receiver) |
K-3435 | Universal Power Supply |
K-3436 | 7 Digit Frequency Counter 200MHz |
K-3437 | 1 GHZ Frequency Counter |
K-3438 | 480 Power Supply |
K-3439 | 50MHz Frequency/Period Meter |
K-3440 | ETI 480/50 Watt Amplifier Module |
K-3441 | 60 Watt MOSFET Amp Module |
K-3442 | ETI 480/100 Watt Amplifier Module |
ETI 480 Technical Supplement | |
K-3443 | 100 Watt MOSFET Amp Module |
K-3445 | A Low Cost Utility Amplifier Capable of Delivering Up To 20 Watts |
K-3448 | VK Power Master - Power Master Mk2 - Enhanced also available. |
K-3450 | Liquid Crystal Display Digital Panel Meter (3 1/2 Digit) |
K-3451 | 3 Digit Counter Module Kit |
K-3460 | Versatile Power Supply |
K-3463 | Video Enhancer |
K-3468 | RLC Bridge |
K-3469 | Wien Bridge Sine and Square Wave Oscillator |
K-3472 | Crystal Locked TV Pattern Generator |
K-3473 | TV Colour Bar and Pattern Generator |
K-3475 | 30V/1A Protected Power Supply MK 2 |
K-3476 | ETI 563 Nicad Fast Charger |
K-3478 | 12-230 Volt 300 VA Invertor |
K-3479 | Temperature Controller for Soldering Iron |
K-3494 | Playmaster AM-FM Stereo Tuner |
K-3495 | Digital Quartz Clock |
K-3500 | Playmaster Stereo Graphic Equaliser |
K-3508 | PC Infrared Transceiver |
K-3509 | Sound Bender |
K-3512 | Electronic Music Generator (Short Form) |
K-3516 | Series 200 MOSFET Amp |
K-3520 | Function Generator |
K-3532 | Electronic LED Die |
K-3582 | 12v Digital Clock Timer |
K-3592 | Universal Voltage Regulator |
K-3594 | Versatile Low Voltage Adaptor |
K-3602 | PC Controlled EPROM Programmer |
K-3603 | PIC Testbed |
K-3604 | Low Cost Midi "Breakout Box" |
K-3605 | A Windows Based EPROM Programmer |
K-3609 | Printer Port Hardware Simulator |
K-3610 | Pic Programmer |
K-3704 | USB Electrocardiograph |
K-4001 | Economy Stereo Amp |
K-4003 | IR Remote Control Pre Amp |
K-4005/4006 | IR Stereo Headphones Transmitter/Receiver |
K-4611 | Car Battery Monitor |
KE-4711 | Miniature FM Transmitter (ETI Kit) |
K-5006 | FM Wireless Microphone |
K-5014 | FM Radio Receiver |
K-5049 | Surround Sound Decoder with Digital Delay |
K-5402 | Universal Stereo Preamplifier |
K-5411 | Video Enhancer and Stabiliser (copy needed if you have one) |
K-5412 | Five band Equaliser (short form) |
K-5421 | A DI box for Musicians |
K-5604 | The Champ: Audio Amplifier (short form) |
K-5800 | VHF-UHF Masthead Amplifier |
K-5801 | VHF-UHF Masthead Amplifier (Improved/Updated design) |
K-5990 | Stereo TV Sound Receiver |
K-6000 | VHF Monitor Receiver |
K-6004 | 80-Meter AM/CW Transmitter (only first two pages but has schematic) (need a full copy if you have one) |
K-6005 | FM Receiver for the 6m Band |
K-6007 | 3 Band Amateur Receiver |
K-6021 | Motorcycle Intercom |
K-6100 | Antenna Tuner and RF Pre-Amp |
K-6104 | Active Antenna |
K-6300 | 40 Channel UHF Transceiver |
K-6301 | UHF 80 Channel Upgrade |
K-6302 | Transceiver Upgrade Kit |
K-6305 | Lightweight Yagi simple to build for 70cm amateur band (need a copy if you have one) |
K-6306 | 70cm Preamp (440/470 MHZ) |
K-6307 | UHF Power Amp (50 Watt) |
K-6308 | VHF Amateur Transceiver |
K-6308 Errata | K6308 Errata |
K-6309 | UHF GaAsFET Pre Amp |
K-6310 | 13.8 Volt Transceiver Power Supply |
K-6311 | VHF Gasfet Pre Amp |
K-6312 | UHF Watt Meter |
K-6313 | 100 Watt VHF Linear Amp |
K-6315 | Teletext Decoder |
K-6316 | VHF Watt Meter |
K-6317 | VZ-200 Serial Interface |
K-6318 | VZ-200 RTTY Decoder |
K-6319 | Teletext Tuner |
K-6320 | AM Stereo Decoder |
K-6321 | Field Strength Meter |
K-6323 | RF Attenuator |
K-6330 | HF Transceiver |
K-6331 | HF Linear Amplifier |
K-6332 | 40 MTR HF Upgrade (suit K6330 HF Transceiver) |
K-6333 | 20 MTR HF Upgrade (suit K6330 HF Transceiver) |
K-6334 | 15 MTR HF Upgrade (suit K6330 HF Transceiver) |
K-6335 | Fax/RTTY Decoder |
K-6337 | 10 MTR HF Upgrade (suit K6330 HF Transceiver) |
K-6339 | Morse RTTY Decoder |
K-6345 | Radio Direction Finder |
K-6349 | 6 Metre 100 Watt Boost Amp |
K-6400 | 2M FM Transceiver and additional component data sheets and info. Large file. (Download here) |
K-6355 | Three Band Shortwave Radio |
K-7001 | 50MHz Frequency Meter |
K-7002 | Insulation Tester |
K-7204 | ESR & Low Ohms Meter |
K-7205 | In-circuit LOPT/FBT Tester |
K-7207 | The Mains Monitor |
K-7211 | Personal Noise Source for Tinnitus Sufferers |
K-7214 | ESR Meter MK.2 |
K-7217 | Energy Meter |
K-7226 | Sig Checker: Signature Analyser |
K-7228 | Go/No-Go Crystal Checker |
K-7338 | Sine/Square Wave Generator |
K-7347 | Soundcard Preamp |
K-7352 | Audio Sweeper |
K-7604 | 1 GHz Frequency Counter |
K-7620 | VHF/UHF Spectrum Analyser Adapter |
K-7621 | Upconverter for our K-7620 Spectrum Analyser |
K-9550 | Maximite Computer |
If you have any updated information of repeaters in your area please let me know.....YOU know your area....I don't! :-)
Original isting kindly supplied by Rick Warnett (SK) P29KFS from Port Moresby
Last updated 10/03/2007
Please email any corrections, additions or deletions to
1) Callsign: P29RUK |
Active and on air |
Location: Ukarumpa, EHP |
Lat/Long: S6 20.28', E145 52.50' |
Input: 146.100 |
Output: 146.700 |
Power: 25 watts |
Antenna Type: vertical dipole |
Height: 1553 Mtr. ASL. |
2) Callsign: P29RMD |
U/S due to lightning damage |
Location: near Aiome, MADANG |
Lat/Long: near S5 09.22' E144 43.29' |
Input: 146.400 |
Output: 147.000 |
Power: 25 watts |
Antenna Type: (unknown) |
Height: (unknown). |
3) Callsign: P29RPM |
Active and on air |
Location: Port Moresby, NCD |
Lat/Long: S9 30, E147 07 |
Input: 146.400 |
Output: 147.0700 |
Power: 25 watts |
Antenna Type: 3db vertical dipoles |
Height: 245 Mtr. ASL. |
4) Callsign: P29RAE |
Off air – TNC fault |
Location: Mt Albert Edward, Central Province |
Lat/Long: S8 33, E147 18 |
Input / output : 144.9 |
Power: 25 watts |
Antenna Type: vertical dipole |
Height: 3190 Mtr. ASL. |
5) Callsign: P29RPY (digi) |
Active and on air |
Active and on air |
Location: at Port Moresby, NCD |
Lat/Long: S9 30, E147 07 |
Input / output: 144.900 |
Power: 25 watts |
Antenna Type: vertical 3db collinear |
Height: 240 Mtr. ASL. |
6) Callsign: P29RPY (digi) |
Active and on air |
Active and on air |
Location: at Port Moresby, NCD |
Lat/Long: S9 30, E147 07 |
Input / output: 144.900 |
Power: 25 watts |
Antenna Type: vertical 3db collinear |
Height: 240 Mtr. ASL. |
7) Callsign: P29RHB |
Planned for 2003 |
Planned for 2003 |
Location: at Port Moresby, NCD |
Lat/Long: S9 30, E147 07 |
Input : 433.8 |
Output : 438.8 |
Power: 25 watts |
Antenna Type: 13 el yagi to VK4 |
Height: 240 Mtr. ASL. |
with thanks to Ron Sanders VK2WB for the following information formerly from the website of: RJ & US IMPORTSHave ceased trading but have
You can print the following data pages for reference
National CW Survey - Final Results
THE QUESTION (as posed by VK6 WIA):
"The question is YES to keep Morse code, even if you believe the speed
requirement should be lowered, or NO if you believe Morse code should
no longer be a requirement for any grade of licence."
Thankyou to all 214 who participated - I think the outcome is clear!
![]() |
Overall result of the 12 month long National CW Survey |
![]() |
Breakdown of License Class voting trends. Shows number of actual votes for and against. |
Tasmania UHF CB Repeater Listing
Channel One |
Callsign | Location |
DEV01 | Devonport (MT Roland) |
FLI01 | Flinders Island |
SET01 | Bruny Island |
Channel Two |
Callsign | Location |
HUO02 | Herring Back |
LCN02 | Launceston |
TWC02 | Mt Read |
Channel Three |
Callsign | Location |
NEC03 | Ben Lomond |
Channel Four |
Callsign | Location |
MID04 | Millers Bluff |
Channel Five - Emergency Repeaters |
Callsign | Location |
HBT05 | Mt Nelson (Hobart) |
Channel Six |
Callsign | Location |
FLP06 | Palana - Flinders Island |
REC06 | Mt Paul |
VJA6 | Mt Lloyd |
WCT06 | St Valentines Peak |
Channel Seven |
Callsign | Location |
CHT07 | Barren Tier |
TNE07 | Mt Victoria |
Channel Eight |
Callsign | Location |
Mt. Nelson (Hobart)
DWT08 | Upper Derwent Valley @ Bradys Sugarloaf |
TNE08 | St Mary's |
Victoria UHF CB Repeater Listing
Channel One |
Callsign | Location |
ALX01 | Eildon |
MEL01 | Whittlesea |
OME01 | Eden Park |
ROU01 | Penshurst |
STA01 | St Arnaud |
WAL01 | Walhalla |
Channel Two |
Callsign | Location |
BAL02 | Ballarat (Off air as of 15/4/99 for.....??) |
KER02 | Mt Kerang |
MAN02 | Mansfield |
MOE02 | Moe (now in Tyres about 15K north of Traralgon} |
PYA02 | Pyalong |
Channel Three |
Callsign | Location |
ABE03 | Aberfeldy |
FAL03 | Falls Creek |
MEL03 | Cranbourne area? |
WBT03 | Mt Wombat (off air?) |
WPH03 | Weeaproinah |
Channel Four |
Callsign | Location |
ANA04 | Arthurs Seat |
ARA04 | Ararat |
BEN04 | Bendigo |
CRJ04 | Traralgon |
HAW04 | Hawkesdale |
MCA04 | Marambingo Hill |
WOD04 | Wodonga |
Channel Five - Emergency Repeaters |
Callsign | Location |
BAL05 | near Ballarat (off air? 5/01) |
MAN05 | Mansfield |
MEL05 | Melbourne (access via simplex) |
RFY05 | Ruffy |
Channel Six |
Callsign | Location |
BRN06 | Mt Concorde |
ECH06 | Echuca |
FOS06 | Mt Fatigue |
HLV06 | Healesville |
MSS06 | Mt Seldom Seen |
SWH06 | Swan Hill (off air 9/01?) |
WAN06 | Wangandry |
WIL06 | Mt William (off air 9/01?) |
Channel Seven |
Callsign | Location |
BND07 | near Bendigo |
BOL07 | Mt Bolton (off air as of 12/00?) |
MEL07 | Melbourne |
MOR07 | Mt Shadwell (off air 9/01?) |
MVL07 | Mt Gordon |
SHP07 | Shepparton |
TAL07 | Mt Granya |
Channel Eight |
Callsign | Location |
DEL08 | Delegate - MT Delegate |
DUN08 | Cavendish |
HAR08 | Mt Alexander |
MCN08 | Mt Cann |
MYR08 | Mt Porepunkah - runs of batteries with solar charging - gives one beep normally but two when power is low. |
TER08 | Mt Terrible |
MEL08 | Werribee - ( apparently turns on at 6pm each night and off next morning) |
Western Australia UHF CB Repeater Listing
Channel One |
Callsign | Location |
COL01 | Collie |
DEN01 | Denmark |
GER01 | Geraldton |
KAT01 | Katanning |
KLB01 | Kellerberrin |
LEN01 | Leonora |
MKT01 | Poison Hills |
PER01 | Perth (info at |
WAR01 |
Warrakurna |
WIK01 | Wickham |
Channel Two |
Callsign | Location |
BIN02 | Bindoon |
BUN02 | near Bunbury |
CAR02 | Carnamah |
KAL02 | Mt Charlotte |
LYN02 | Lyndon Station |
MRD02 | Merredin |
VLN5 | Mt McLure |
WLP02 | Walpole |
Channel Three |
Callsign | Location |
CLA03 | near Carlotta |
PER03 | Roleystone |
VET03 | near Bardoc |
Channel Four |
Callsign | Location |
BYB04 | Dinninup |
ESP04 | Esperance |
GNG04 | Lancelin |
KUL04 | Kulin |
MTB04 | Cranbrook |
Channel Five - Emergency Repeaters |
Callsign | Location |
MTB05 | Mt Barker |
PER05 | Martin |
Channel Six |
Callsign | Location |
DAR06 | Darkan |
VMR661 | Mt Lesueur |
MNP06 | Albany |
QUN06 | Quindalup |
Channel Seven |
Callsign | Location |
MTB07 | Stirling Ranges |
PIN07 | Pinjarra East |
Channel Eight |
Callsign | Location |
MAN08 | west Manjimup |
MSA08 | Mt Saddleback |
PER08 | Perth CBD |
RVT08 | Ravensthorpe |
Queensland UHF CB Repeater Listing
Channel One |
Callsign | Location |
ANN01 | St Annes Range |
BAR01 | near Barcaldine |
BAT01 | Bathurst Heads |
VHT01 | Stradbroke Is. |
DEL01 | Collinsville |
HAN01 | Hannaford |
HUG01 | Hughenden |
ING01 | Inglewood |
INN01 | Innisfail |
MDT01 | Middlemount |
MOR01 | Mt Hope |
OWN01 | Mt Oweenee |
RKY01 | Mt Archer |
ROM01 | Mt Bassett |
SPC01 | Windorah |
TTH01 | Twin Hills |
WBB01 | Mt Perry |
WCT01 | Charters Towers |
VHS01 | Imbil |
Channel Two |
Callsign | Location |
GLD02 | Gladstone |
GLN02 | Glenden |
HAR02 | Mt Haren, Cairns |
ING02 | Mt Cordelia |
JCK02 | Julia Creek |
LAU02 | Laura |
MAB02 | Broadsound Range |
MIN02 | Glenlyon Dam |
POR02 | Drummond Range |
SPC02 | Bowen |
TAM02 | Tambo |
TAR02 | Taroom |
TRN02 | Quilpie |
TWB02 | Mt Kynoch |
WAG02 | Aranyi South |
WAV02 | Wavell Heights |
WBR02 | Gunalda |
WON02 | Cogango Range |
Channel Three |
Callsign | Location |
ABC03 | Gold Coast - Lower Beechmont |
CHI03 | Chinchilla |
VHN03 | Longlands Gap, Atherton Tablelands |
CTS03 | Charters Towers |
INK03 | Mt Inkerman |
KIL03 | Kilcoy |
LAI03 | Laidley |
MBO03 | Maryborough (Tinana - southern suburb) |
MTO03 | Monto |
MTW03 | Mt William |
PCC03 | Edward River |
SPR03 | Springsure |
VHO03 | Mt Isa |
Channel Four |
Callsign | Location |
BBG04 | Slopping Hummock |
DIP04 | Double Island Point |
EID04 | Eidsvold |
GDI04 | Goondiwindi |
HOP04 | Rockhampton |
JER04 | Jericho |
MBH04 | Moranbah |
MOW04 | Darling Downs |
TSV04 | Townsville |
VHN04 | Expedition Range |
VHW04 | Cannonvale |
VUH04 | Mt Tambourine |
Channel Five - Emergency Repeaters |
Callsign | Location |
ABC05 | Lower Beechmont in the Gold Coast Hinterland, also Monitored by ACREM |
BNE05 | Ocean View near Dayboro (monitored at least 15 hours a day by ACREM, Australian Citizens Radio Emergency Monitors Inc., ) |
CEM05 | Clermont |
FSB05 | Mt Perry |
GEM05 | Mt Wolvi |
ING05 | Mt Cordelia |
MIL05 | Commodore Peak |
QBM05 | Darling Downs |
ROK05 | Rockhampton |
VHN05 | Charters towers |
VHP05 | Biloela |
VHP5 | Banana range |
Channel Six |
Callsign | Location |
BLK06 | Blackdown Tablelands |
BLL06 | 90Kms SW of Blackall |
BRA06 | Sea View Range |
CBT06 | Mundubbera |
CHT06 | Mt Janet |
CLE06 | Police Mtn |
CNE06 | Bergen |
DIM06 | Mt North Iron |
MIL06 | Palardo Hill |
MKY06 | Mackay |
PRR06 | Clermont |
RIC06 | Yan Yean |
TAM06 | Tambo |
THG06 | Thargomindah |
VHN06 | Wilkes Knob |
VHP06 | Ispwich |
Channel Seven |
Callsign | Location |
BIL07 | Banana Range |
BLL07 | East of Blackall |
CTR07 | Towers Hill |
DMD07 | Clermont |
ESK07 | Esk |
GEM07 | Gympie (Portable) |
IND07 | Fraser Island |
ING07 | Mt Mercer |
MUR07 | Mt England |
VHN07 | Mareeba |
VHO07 | Mt Hutton |
VHQ07 | Mt. Glorious |
WBB07 | Mt Watalgan |
WRA07 | Warwick |
YKA07 | Mt Slowcombe |
Channel Eight |
Callsign | Location |
AMI08 | Amiens |
BAL08 | Noondoo |
BLL08 | Blackall |
CHN08 | Mt Peanga |
CHT08 | Charters Towers |
DAW08 | Comminglah |
EMD08 | Emerald |
HBY08 | Ghost Hill |
MBR08 | Mt Brisbane |
NCR08 | Rockhampton |
NEB08 | Nebo |
ONV08 | Oceanview |
TAC08 | Mt Stuart - Townsville area coverage |
VHN08 | Barkly Down |
This page updated 1st May 2014 Peter VK4od