Amateur Radio |
"a page is only as strong as its weakest link......"
If you find a link that does not work
PLEASE let me know so I can delete/modify it - this helps everyone!
If you wish to link to my site then feel free! If you
want to use this graphic then just save it and please link it to:
when placing it on your site.

If you find an obsolete link please let me
know. Also if you have a link that you think should be here again
please let me know.
Australian -
to Top
Companies - Radio Related
to Top
WIA - Wireless Institute of Australia
State Based Affiliates etc:
A listing of Amateur Radio Clubs, with clickable links where they exist, is
maintained by the National Office
to Top
Worldwide Hams
on the Net (also Reciprocal Links)
If you would like your page listed here just
send an email to
- AC6V - Rod Dinkins great pages ( 100's of pages!)
- G3SEK's Amateur Radio Technical
Notebook - technical notes etc. on VHF/UHF operation, antenna design and more.....
- Ian Pooles pages
- WM7D - Over 3000 links to Amateur radio
related sites. Categorized
- N0WNT - Terry McDonald's pages
- G4ZFE - Some great amateur
related software (including the Log Search I use!)
- G7KPF - Over 800 links to
UK ham sites
- W9DC - Don's IOTA pages.
Lots of info on getting into island chasing
- DO1FDK - Oliver's homepage with
lots of ham info
- TI2HMG - Fancy a holiday in Costa
Rica? Check out Henry's page first.
- GI0OTC - Alan's 50mhz station,
lots of 50mhz related info etc.
- VK4DX - Mike's contest pages.
International contest calendar and info.
- SV2AEL - Savas's pages from
Greece - awards info and much more info about Greek amateur radio activities
- HB9CIC - Josef's site with links
to his MW2Log software and more!
- CE6NE - Chilean amateur radio
information site from Mario CE6NE.
- PA3GVI -
website of Dutch radio-amateur station Rob PA3GVI
- ZL1LK - Roy Sargon's homepage
with homebrew circuits etc
- VK4VFX - Stu's homepage
- IT9AYD - Sal's homepage
to Top
World - General
News, forums, articles and the best source of equipment reviews on the net!
My favourite site out there!
- AMSAT - The Radio Amateur Satellite
- DXCC Countries Listing
Every call - Every country & info! Excellent Site
- Welcome to QRZ! - Great source of Ham info
- Yahoo Ham Radio Links - Great
list of amateur links around the world
- Yaesumanuals - Yaseu
information - over 40 years of information
- Islands on the Air - excellent IOTA information site
- RSGB IOTA - Official IOTA site
- AC6V Ham Radio DX Reference Guide - excellent Ham DX page
- Greyline Map
(Colour) - great mapping resource, view Earth, Moon etc from anywhere!
- TerraServer - Worlds largest database
(1.01 Terabytes!! - that's about 180 million images) Arial photographs & satellite
images from around the world ( some at 3-6 feet res.)
- TRS Consultants - Tom Sundstrom (W2XQ) with all the latest news! SWL & HAM
- The FT920
Resource Page - WM7D's thoughts and info on the Yaesu FT920
- OH2MCN - Information on
licensing abroad for radio amateurs by OH2MCN
- Poldhu Wireless Station - history of
Marconi's Station at Poldhu Cove, nice site!
- Celes Trak - Kep's etc, also great listing of
Satellite software & Satellite info
- AZ_PROJ - Handy beam
heading maps produced for you online with lots of info available to choose.
- Taber Software - HF Communications
Analysis and Prediction Tools
- Manuals & Schematics
- great site for information on radio equipment
- Antenna Information - Len
Cebick, W4RNL's great site for just about everything about antennas!
- DX Holidays - fancy a DX
holiday? Here's a list of destinations that are "Ham
friendly" for your next trip
W6ELProp - sky-wave propagation
forecasting software
- IRLP - Internet Repeater Linking Project
QTH Locator
Calculator/Visualizer in Java Java Applet for hams that calculates
distance and (antenna-)direction between two locations on the earth and shows them in a map of the world
- MapLocator -
MapLocator is a graphical log book, it displays
contacted station on APRS maps according Locators. Dxcc, beacons, repeaters
are displayed on maps
Amateur Radio Repeater
Linking - Tom Sundstrom's very informative pages on this form of Amateur
activity ie: Echolink and Voice over IP etc - info and lots of links
- - new site with lots of
info about radio's ie: manuals, specs, news and reviews
Prefix Software -
by Hans Jacobi, DJ7BA.
freeware program for DXers will
analyse almost any prefix or call and
display the Antenna direction and
distance graphically on a
great circle map around your own qth.
- DXSoft -
Windows HAM Radio software by the DxSoft group - (AALog TrueTTY, CWget
and more....) ,
- - as the name says. Hundreds of thousands of
datasheets on components etc
Learn Morse Code - new Windows based Morse training program
delabs circuits - Electronics circuits, info, tools and links. Very useful
Nifty! Ham Accessories - great source of short quick reference guides
for just about all current and recent model amateur transceivers Excellent!
Chassis Kits - chassis kits and custom enclosures for every occasion -
by Charles K3IWK
Ham Radio Deluxe - by Simon Brown, HB9DRV. A suite of Windows programs providing CAT control for commonly used transceivers and receivers.
HamInfoBar -
toolbar for radio hams & SWL's with links. RSS feeds. DX spots, radio, and
much more!
electron Tube Data Sheets - extensive pdf data sheets on just about
everything valve related!
International Year of Astronomy 2009 - website
listing Canadian ham special IYA activities in 2009
- Learn CW Online - Learn and practise CW completely within your browser
from anywhere - no programs to install! Great idea!
World Wide Operators Fund
Voicenation - All about Ham Radio. Good list of information about
Ham radio in general
Ham Nation - weekly amateur radio audio or
video podcast of ham news and informaiton - Host by Bob Hiel K9EIDl

Ham Radio
Resource Guide - very comprehensive set of guides on all things ham
Ham Radio In The 21st Century - An interesting article on the current
state of ham radio
to Top
Radio Companies
- World Wide
Rates - buying something overseas?
Check out how the how much the Australian dollar will buy you! (or should!)
to Top
Radio Organizations
IARU - International
Amateur Radio Union
to Top
Call Sign
Lookup Sites
Need to find someone....try one of these!
Need something PC based?......... then try
Ham Lookup Callbook CD-ROM (Windows & Linux versions available)
or try the direct approach with one of the following links...
- 10-10 - Search for 10-10 members
by number
- Africa - ZS Callbook - can also search other African calls i.e.: Lesotho
(7P), Swaziland (3DA),Namibia (V5), Botswana (A22), Mozambique (C9), Tanzania (5H), Zambia
(9J2) and Zimbabwe(Z2).
(VK) - Callbook (official!)
Belgium - ON Callbook
Bermuda - VP9 Listings & QSL info
- Bosnia -
Callbook & DX info
- Canada
- Canadian Callbook
- Callbook lookup with address labels
Cyprus - pdf callbook listing
- Denmark - Callbook (in Danish!)
- Dutch - Callsign search
- Estonia - EY Estonian Callbook
- Finland - OH Callbook
- Greek - Callbook (large page)
- Guam - MIDXA Listing
- Guernsey - Callsign Listings
- Iran - List of EP call holders
- Italy - Callbook (in Italian)
- Latvian - Callsign Listing (Partial)
- Lithuanian - Callsign Listing
- Luxembourg - Callbook
- Mongolia - Callsign Listing
- Netherlands - Callbook
- Papua New Guinea - Call listing
and Info
- Poland - Official Callbook
- Romania - YO Callbook
- Russia - Callsign search for EK, ER, EU, EX, EY, EZ, UK, UN, UR, RA, 4K,
- South Africa - ZS Callbook
- Tadjikistan -EY Call listing & info
- USA -
- Buckmaster - Hamcall lookup - over 1.4million
- from the QRZ CD-ROM people
to Top
/ Contest
Information & News
to Top
Managers & Log Searches
- VK2CA /NNN's HF Contest logbook - Have
we QSL'ed yet? All major contests that I have entered can be searched here.
QSL Bureaus - a complete listing
of QSL Bureaus from the IARU itself
- N6ED's DX Log Searches -
You can search here to see of you made it into one of those DXepedition logs & many
individual logs as well.
- SM5ARL's QSL Address List and QSL Manager List (Large lists!)
- ZL9CI - Campbell
Island DXpedition site - searchable logs available etc.
- N6RT - Logs from many Dxpeditions
- RW1QM - Multi log
search. QSL & email searches from multiple sources & more
- VE9DX Logs - large
list of online logs
- Pathfinder - a free program
that searches online for QSL/Manager info etc.
- SM4DHF's Log Book
collection - links to over 600 logs online
- VK8ML & VK8CI - Melville Is. &
Croker Is. IOTA Dxpedition in Nov. 99 Info & logs online
- VA3RJ - Dave's log
search pages with 1700+ logs to search!
- Mike's Amateur Radio page - lots
of useful DX info, callbooks QSL /Manager info etc. etc.
- eQSL - Online electronic QSL's (maybe the
future of QSLing?)
- D68C - 2001
Comoros DXpedition - biggest ever! Log searches and info.
- IK3QAR - Log & Manager searches (DX &
- W7WK -
Excellent list of DXpedition log searches and other DX related info
a simple tool to handle the QSL
manager database of ON6DP by HB9CIC
- Clublog - online logs,
searches and great dxpeditions tools available

to Top
to Top
QSL Card
to Top
Modifications & Info
to Top
to Top
Slow Scan TV / FAX
- HF-FAX - Fax &
SSTV links, software, pics & schedules etc.
- KB4YZ's SSTV - Great list of related links
for software/hardware etc.
SSTV, RTTY and CW for SoundBlaster
- WXtrack
- Satellite tracking program & others
to Top
CW - Morse Code
- PA3BWK's Ultimate
CW - Official home page of the HSC, VHSC, SHSC & EHSC
- FISTS - International Morse Preservation Society
- DSP-CW - CW/RTTY decoder
for Sound Blaster (tm)
- MRX - MRX Morse Code for Windows
9x/NT (used by the ADRF!)
- RufzXP - great CW speed training
- Morse Fusion - have a novel
translated and read to you in both English and Morse!

to Top
Newsgroups - you browser must be configured for newsgroups
to Top
SWL - Short Wave
Listening / Scanning
to Top
How's the Weather?? Try these links
for current & forecasted info from around the world.
to Top
FT-2000 Resources
FT-5000 Resources
Cant find it here? Try
one of these searches
Any suggestions or additions/corrections please e-mail 
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Tuesday, 19 March 2013